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Pancake Sunday

On Monday, March 20, 2017 12:47 PM, Dustin Thelander <> wrote:

Another week come and gone. They come and go pretty darn quick. On Monday, we had dinner with the Williams family. They are awesome and have three kids- 11, 7, and 5. After we ate, we shared with them the message of the Restoration. As we interacted to edify with them, asking them questions to lead them along, they gave amazing answers. Quick preface. Brother Williams is an Air Marshall and Sister Williams is pretty tough herself. At one point as their kids were basically teaching us the lesson, I looked over and both of them were in tears. They came to realize in that moment that what they have been teaching their kids was sinking in, that they had a testimony of the Gospel. It was a really happy moment for everyone.

Tuesday was something. We had district meeting, and I was in Elder Gress's meeting and it went pretty well. He is a new missionary in his first transfer of being District Leader. Afterward we talked on how we can become better and how we can run better and more spiritual meetings. We have some pretty dang high expectations. Then we went to the library where with some other missionaries in Upland created an excel document to create the schedule for the whole Moses' Tabernacle event. We have 7 days to take care of and the hours are 1-9. We also had to give everyone a specific responsibility. We got it all figured out, and it should be an amazing event. Then after that we had to run around a couple of bikes from the previous day's transfer. Then around 3:45 we finally got some lunch. Following getting some food, we helped Jose our investigator move his gun safe around and taught him a lesson. We resolved some of his concerns, and he basically told us he is ready for baptism. Now, Jose has felt pressured in the past, so this will be his deal. He will be baptized when he is ready, we will be there to guide him along.

I have had a lot of great studies lately. I really think it is due to the fact I am writing down the impressions I receive. I have heard multiple quotes from leaders of the church that promote writing things down. There was a long time on my mission I just didn't, a prideful thing maybe. But, since I have started writing down impressions and insights from my studies about 4 months ago my learning has accelerated. I think the Lord is blessing me for taking care of the promptings He gives to me. We had a great afternoon lesson with Billy. She is doing really well in coming back to church. We taught her the message of the Restoration. She told us (in what I think was a moment of revelation to her) that she has great experiences when she prays, and that the Lord really does talk to her. What a wonderful thing to know- that a loving Heavenly Father loves us and cares for us enough to answer us. We had Book of Mormon class in the evening, which was ok. Not a lot of people attending right now, we hope to increase our numbers. On Thursday morning we helped some of the ward members get a ton of tables and chairs to the Tabernacle for the Youth Conference that was occurring. In doing so we got a sneak peak at the Moses' Tabernacle. It is incredible. After that we headed up to Rancho Cucamonga for our monthly Mission Leadership Council. This one was interesting. We talked about a lot of small things that can make the mission better (dress and grooming, language, obedience, and service guidelines to name a few). In the evening we had a great lesson with Veronica about prayer. The spirit was so strong in the lesson, and she really began so see how the hand of the Lord has been in her life the last little while.

Friday was long logistical day- round two. We weekly planed, then we had to make another trip to the library to finalize some things. We then had to plan for our zone conference that will be next Tuesday. All aspects went very well. We feel well prepared for the upcoming large events. After finishing all this up we hit the pavement. We had an amazing visit with the "I" family. They were baptized in Utah just over a year ago. Almost immediately after their baptism they moved down here to Cali. In the midst of moving and getting used to not living in Utah, they didn't receive the recent convert lessons, and with work being crazy lately haven't been consistent at coming to church. We knocked on the door and Brother I answered with the Book of Mormon in hand. He called his wife down, and we had a great conversation together. She said that it is no coincidence that we came to the door in the moment her husband sat down to read the scriptures for the first time in weeks. Without our prompting, they asked we teach them the recent convert lessons, help them prepare for the temple, and help them receive a patriarchal blessing (basically personal scripture given by the power and authority of God). So amazing, they love the church and want to be more active in it.

Saturday I spent the day with Elder Memmott, one of the assistants to the president. We spent the day in my area, an area where Elder Memmott served a time ago. We saw some of his old friends and it really made his day. We helped out the Sister missionaries in the Diamond Bar area with a baptism they had. It was a wonderful service, and Jose showed up to watch it. Immediately after the baptism, the man baptizing forgot to unplug the drain. So, after the service was over, we tried everything to get it unplugged. It was to no avail. So, Arthur, the man that was baptized, got back in his wet clothing and went in again to unplug the drain. He'll never forget that :). Then we saw Patricia in the evening, and she is a fire ball. She has about 7 college degrees, and is in a couple of masters programs. She is busy, but we had a great visit and reminded her of the importance of prayer. She has had some spiritual events in her life in the last little while, but she needs to make it back to church. Sunday was wonderful. A couple of great talks were given on gratitude. And Ovianna and her family were at church, hopefully that can spring board them back into the swing of things. Following church we had a great Pancake Sunday event over at Brother Kilburn's home. He is the sweetest man I have ever met. He houses the Diamond Bar elders and is sure to invite us over each 3rd Sunday he does this. They also always have maple syrup :). I love missionary work!!!!

Scripture of the week is from Mosiah, chapter 27, verse 37, "And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and the did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth."


Elder Thelander

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